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Melanothamnus upolensis (Grunow) Díaz-Tapia & Maggs

Eur.J.Phycol. 52:11 (2017)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Native to Western Australia
Name Status

Scientific Description

Habit and structure. Thallus deep red, with prostrate and sparsely branched erect axes. Prostrate axes 75–100 µm diam. [segment L:B 1–2], attached by pit-connected rhizoids arising from the proximal end of pericentral cells. Erect axes to 3.5 mm tall, simple or with lateral branches separated by 11 or 12 segments; lower axes 70–100 µm diam. [segment L:B 1–2], tapering gradually to 50–60 µm diam. near apices [segment L:B 0.5–1.5]. Lateral branches replacing trichoblasts. Structure with 4 pericentral cells and 1 trichoblast or scar cell every 2 or 3 segments in a spiral pattern.

Reproduction. Reproductive structures not observed.

Distribution. Known from warmer waters of the eastern Indian and central and western Pacific Oceans. In north-western Australia it is known from the Dampier Archipelago and Cassini Island.

Habitat. epilithic or epiphytic in the intertidal and shallow subtidal.

[After J.M. Huisman in Algae of Australia: Marine Benthic Algae of North-western Australia, 2. Red Algae: 549–550 (2018)]