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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium


Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.

Displaying records 1–20 of 21

Typification of Gnaphalium collinum var. monocephalum (Gnaphalieae: Asteraceae) and clarification of related material

FLANN, C., WILSON, PAUL G. AND WIERENGA, J.J., Nuytsia 20: 1–5 (2010)

The protologue of Gnaphalium collinum var. monocephalum Hook.f. cites three gatherings which are now considered to be referable to three different taxa known by the names Euchiton lateralis (C.J.Webb) Breitw. & J.M.Ward, Euchiton traversii (Hook.f.) Holub and Argyrotegium mackayi (Buchanan) J.M.Ward & Breitw. This has caused confusion regarding the typification and application of J.D.Hooker’s varietal name. This article resolves the uncertainty and provides a corrected synonymy for all the taxa involved.

Molecular markers provide an independent test of species boundaries in the two morphologically similar species Desmocladus flexuosus and D. asper (Restionaceae)

SINCLAIR, E.A. AND BARRETT, R.L., Nuytsia 20: 7–17 (2010)

Desmocladus flexuosus exhibits extensive morphological variation across its geographic range, and even within the Perth metropolitan area. It may be potentially confused with its congener, D. asper, across this region where the two are sympatric. Here we use molecular markers to show that these two species are genetically distinct, and describe several morphological characters that can aid identification in the field.

A new locally endemic species of Acrotriche (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae: Styphelieae) from the Ravensthorpe area

HISLOP, M., Nuytsia 20: 19–25 (2010)

A new and apparently rare species of Acrotriche R.Br., A. orbicularis Hislop, is described, illustrated and its distribution mapped. For purposes of comparison, the species with which it is most likely to be confused, Acrotriche cordata (Labill.) R.Br., is also illustrated and mapped. An updated key to the Acrotriche species of Western Australia is provided.

Melaleuca (Myrtaceae) of Western Australia: five new species, three new combinations, one new name and a new state record

CRAVEN, L.A., LEPSCHI, B.J. AND COWLEY, K.J., Nuytsia 20: 27–36 (2010)

Recent work has resulted in the recognition of five new species of Melaleuca from the south-west of Western Australia: M. genialis Lepschi, M. ochroma Lepschi, M. protrusa Craven & Lepschi, M. sophisma Lepschi, and M. ulicoides Craven & Lepschi. Reassessment of the taxonomic status of three previously described taxa shows that specific rank is warranted and the following three new combinations are made: M. acutifolia (Benth.) Craven & Lepschi, M. calcicola (Barlow ex Craven) Craven & Lepschi, and M. spectabilis (Barlow ex Craven) Craven & Lepschi. Melaleuca citrina a later homonym of M. citrina (Curtis) Dum.Cours. and the replacement name M. lutea Craven is provided. Melaleuca viminalis (Sol. ex Gaertn.) Byrnes, hitherto known only from eastern Australia has recently been collected from the Kimberley region of northern Western Australia.

A revision of the Micromyrtus racemosa complex (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae) of south-western Australia

RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 20: 37–56 (2010)

The Micromyrtus racemosa species complex, which is endemic to south-western Australia, is revised. The complex includes two previously named species, M. racemosa Benth. and M. trudgenii Rye. Six new taxa are described here: M. arenicola Rye, M. collina, M. greeniana, M. mucronulata, M. prochytes and M. rubricalyx. Descriptions are also given for two new taxa that are considered to be too poorly known at present to name. Also included are distribution maps and a key to all members of this complex, and an illustration of M. mucronulata by Charles Gardner.

A revision of Calothamnus quadrifidus (Myrtaceae)

GEORGE, A.S. AND GIBSON, N., Nuytsia 20: 57–77 (2010)

The highly variable species Calothamnus quadrifidus R.Br. is discussed and an infraspecific classification with eight subspecies is proposed. The following new taxa are described: Calothamnus quadrifidus subsp. petraeus A.S.George & N.Gibson, C. quadrifidus subsp. seminudus A.S.George & N.Gibson and C. quadrifidus subsp. teretifolius A.S.George & N.Gibson. New combinations are C. quadrifidus subsp. angustifolius (Ewart) A.S.George & N.Gibson, C. quadrifidus subsp. asper (Turcz.) A.S.George & N. Gibson and C. quadrifidus subsp. homalophyllus (F.Muell.) A.S. George & N.Gibson, and a new status is given for C. quadrifidus subsp. obtusus (Benth.) A.S.George & N.Gibson.

Stylidium miscellany 1: typifications and new taxa from south-west Western Australia

WEGE, J.A., Nuytsia 20: 79–108 (2010)

The types of names relating to 24 species of Stylidium from south-west Western Australia are reviewed. Lectotypes are selected for S.barleei F.Muell., S. breviscapum var. erythrocalyx Benth., S. ciliatum Lindl., S. ciliatum var. minor Sond., S. dispermum F.Muell., S. elongatum Benth., S. galioides C.A.Gardner, S. imbricatum Benth., S. lepidum F.Muell. ex Benth., S. limbatum F.Muell., S. miniatum Mildbr., S. piliferum R.Br. S. plantagineum Sond., S. preissii (Sond.) F.Muell., S. verticillatum F.Muell. and S. yilgarnense E.Pritz. Neotypes are nominated for S. pritzelianum Mildbr., S. pseudocaespitosum Mildbr. and S. stenosepalum E.Pritz. Stylidium piliferum subsp. minor (Mildbr.) Carlquist is lectotypified and placed into synonymy under S. piliferum. Stylidium elegans J.Drumm. is newly established as a synonym of S. plantagineum and a lectotype designated. Stylidium involucratum F.Muell. is reinstated and S. stowardii M.B.Scott placed into synonymy. The collector of the type of S. glaucum (Labill.) Labill. is confirmed as Leschenault de la Tour. Stylidium thesioides DC. is reinstated and S. canaliculatum Lindl., an earlier but illegitimate name, is placed into synonymy. Stylidium scandens R.Br. is lectotypified and S. nymphaeum Wege, a species collected by Robert Brown in 1801 and drawn by Ferdinand Bauer, is newly described. Stylidium spathulatum R.Br. subsp. acuminatum Carlquist is raised to species level and S. acuminatum subsp. meridionalis Wege newly described. Stylidium glaucum subsp. angustifolium Carlquist is similarly raised to species level, whilst S. luteum subsp. glaucifolium Carlquist retained as a subspecies but transferred to S. angustifolium (Carlquist) Wege.

An account of Eutaxia (Leguminosae: Mirbelieae) with a focus on the Western Australian species

WILKINS, C.F., CHAPPILL, J.A. AND HENDERSON, G.R., Nuytsia 20: 109–167 (2010)

The Western Australian species of the endemic Australian legume genus Eutaxia R.Br. are revised. Twenty two species are recognised, all but three of them confined to Western Australia. Six new species are described, E. acanthoclada G.R.Hend. & Chappill, E. inuncta C.F. Wilkins & Chappill, E. exilis C.F.Wilkins & G.R.Hend., E. hirsuta C.F.Wilkins & G.R.Hend. Pultenaea neurocalyx Turcz. is transferred to Eutaxia, P. neurocalyx var. major Benth. is given specific status as E. major (Benth.) C.F.Wilkins & Chappill, and two new subspecies are recognised, E. neurocalyx subsp. nacta C.F.Wilkins and E. neurocalyx subsp. papillosa C.F.Wilkins. Eutaxia diffusa F.Muell. is reinstated as a distinct species rather than a variety of E. microphylla and E. empetrifolia Schltdl. and E. leptophylla Turcz. are reinstated as distinct species rather than being synonymous with E. microphylla (R.Br.) C.H.Wright & Dewar. Eutaxia densifolia Turcz. and E. dillwynioides Meisn. are reduced to synonyms of E. parvifolia Benth, and Eutaxia obovata (Labill.) C.A.Gardner is correct name for the type of Eutaxia.

Two new, glaucous-leaved species of Isopogon (Proteaceae: Proteoideae: Leucadendreae) from south-western Australia

HISLOP, M. AND RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 20: 169–181 (2010)

Two new species and two new subspecies with simple, flat, glaucous leaves are described: Isopogon panduratus Hislop & Rye, I. panduratus subsp. palustris Hislop & Rye, I. pruinosus Hislop & Rye and I. pruinosus subsp. glabellus Hislop & Rye. Their distributions are mapped and the first three are illustrated. The four new taxa belong in a species group that includes Isopogon axillaris R.Br. and I. buxifolius R.Br.s. lat. Isopogon panduratus subsp. palustris has conservation priority.

Calothamnus (Myrtaceae): precursor paper to Flora of Australia

GEORGE, A.S., Nuytsia 20: 183–200 (2010)

The following new taxa are described: Calothamnus arcuatus A.S George, C. borealis subsp. cinereus A.S.George, C. cupularis A.S. George, C. montanus A.S.George, C. phellosus A. S.George (the species previously known as C.oldfieldii), C. roseus A.S.George and C. scabridus A.S.George. Calothamnus blepharospermus var. glaber Benth. is raised to specific rank. The name Calothamnus lateralis f. crassus Benth. (C. crassus (Benth.) Hawkeswood) is shown to have been misapplied by Hawkeswood and is given varietal rank under C. lateralis. Calothamnus blepharantherus (a synonym of C. sanguineus Labill.), C. blepharospermus F. Muell. and C. chrysanthereus F.Muell. are lectotypified. Calothamnus oldfieldii F.Muell. is also lectotypified and the name correctly applied, with C. kalbarriensis Hawkeswood reduced to synonymy.

A taxonomic revision of the Western Australian endemic species Kennedia coccinea (Fabaceae)

LALLY, T.R., Nuytsia 20: 201–215 (2010)

Two new subspecies are described in Kennedia coccinea; K. coccinea subsp. esotera Lally and K. coccinea subsp. calcaria Lally. Distribution maps are provided for all the subspecies, and photographs of the type specimens for the new subspecies.

Re-evaluation of Ptilotus polystachyus sens. lat. (Amaranthaceae) and creation of the new combination Ptilotus giganteus

DAVIS, R.W. AND BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 20: 217–227 (2010)

This paper evaluated infraspecific taxa in Ptilotus polystachyus (Gaudich.) F.Muell. using morphometric analysis. We conclude that var. arthrotrichus Benl. should not be regarded as a distinct variety from var. polystachyus and that var. longistachyus (W.Fitzg.) and var. pullenii (Benl) Benl should be merged into a single taxon and elevated in rank to species. The new combination P. giganteus (Cunn. ex Moq.) R. W.Davis & R.Butcher is erected for this taxon. With these changes, P. polystachyus is now regarded as a widespread and variable species without infraspecific taxa. Revised descriptions are presented for these two species.

Enekbatus, a new Western Australian genus of Myrtaceae with a multi-locular indehiscent fruit

TRUDGEN, MALCOLM E. AND RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 20: 229–259 (2010)

A new myrtaceous genus endemic to south-western Australia is described as Enekbatus Trudgen & Rye. It is related to Rinzia Schauer and several other genera, all of which have an unmodified anther type, a multilocular ovary and reniform seeds. However, the indehiscent fruit of the new genus separates it from all other members of this group. Ten species are recognised here, of which seven are newly described as Enekbatus bounites Trudgen & Rye, E. cristatus, E. dualis, E. eremaeus, E. longistylus, E. planifolius and E. sessilis. The new combinations Enekbatus cryptandroides (F. Muell.) Trudgen & Rye, E. clavifolius (S.Moore) Trudgen & Rye and E. stowardii (S.Moore) Trudgen & Rye, are made for three species that were previously included in Baeckea L. s. lat. This revision includes a key to the species, distribution maps and illustrations.

The status of infraspecific taxa and new subspecies in Ptilotus stirlingii (Amaranthaceae)

DAVIS, R.W. AND BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 20: 261–270 (2010)

This paper evaluated current infraspecific taxa within Ptilotus stirlingii (Lindl.) F.Muell. using morphometric analysis. We conclude that var. pumilus Benl should no longer be recognised as a distinct variety from var. stirlingii and that var. laxus (Benth.) Benl and var. minutus Benl should be merged into a single taxon. The new name P. stirlingii subsp. australis R.W.Davis & R.Butcher is erected for this taxon and var. stirlingii is elevated in rank. With these changes, P. stirlingii now comprises two subspecies rather than four varieties. Revised descriptions and a key are presented for the new subspecies.

Logania sylvicola (Loganiaceae), a new species from south-west Western Australia

CRANFIELD, R.J., HISLOP, M. AND MACFARLANE, T.D., Nuytsia 20: 271–275 (2010)

Logania sylvicola Cranfield, Hislop & Macfarlane, a new species endemic to the Jarrah Forest Bioregion of south-west Western Australia, is described, illustrated and mapped.

Darwinia hortiorum (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae), a new species from the Darling Range, Western Australia

THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 20: 277–281 (2010)

The distinctive, new, rare species Darwinia hortiorum is described, illustrated and discussed. Uniquely in the genus it has strongly curved-zygomorphic flowers with the sigmoid styles arranged so that they group towards the centre of the head-like inflorescences.

Myxomycota census of Western Australia

KNIGHT, K.J. AND BRIMS, M.H., Nuytsia 20: 283–307 (2010)

A census of the slime mould species found in Western Australia, based on publications recording slime mould species and collections housed at the Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH), is presented. A total of 159 species in 37 genera and 12 families are recorded.

Two new taxa of Verticordia (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae) from south-western Australia

GEORGE, A.S. AND BARRETT, M.D., Nuytsia 20: 309–318 (2010)

Verticordia mitchelliana subsp. implexior A.S.George & M.D.Barrett and Verticordia setacea A.S.George are described and discussed. V. setacea belongs with V. gracilis A.S.George in section Platandra, previously a monotypic section.

Tetratheca sp. Mt Solus (F. Obbens 307/98) (Elaeocarpaceae) is not distinct from Tetratheca affinis

BUTCHER, R., Nuytsia 20: 319–320 (2010)

Tetratheca sp. Mt Solus (F. Obbens 307/98) was collected once from Mt Solus, in the Darling Range, in November 1998 but has never been relocated. This taxon was distinguished from T. affinis Endl. by its possession of only one ovule per loculus, compared with four or five ovules per loculus, as well as its geographic disjunction. Close examination of all specimens of T. affinis at PERTH has found that ovule number per loculus varies from one to five, and that Tetratheca sp. Mt Solus (F. Obbens 307/ 98) does not have any unique morphological features supporting its distinction from T. affinis. By contrast,three specimens of T. affinis from near Cape Riche were found to have a suite of subtle differences from typical T. affinis and have been placed on the Western Australian Plant Census as T. affinis subsp. Cape Riche (T.D. Macfarlane TDM 1832) pending further fieldwork and taxonomic study.

A nomenclatural correction in Verreauxia (Goodeniaceae)

GEORGE, A.S., Nuytsia 20: 321–322 (2010)

In the Flora of Australia vol. 35, p. 300 (1992), Roger Carolin used the name Verreauxia villosa E.Pritzel for a rather rare species of this small Western Australian genus. He cited Verreauxia dyeri E.Pritzel ex Hemsley as a synonym. The name V. villosa is current on FloraBase . In 2005, when checking the holdings of this species at Kew for imaging early Australian collections for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility/ Australian Virtual Herbarium project, I found that the second of these names seems to be correct as its publication predates that of the former by just a few weeks. A typographical error in a date of publication apparently led to the previous interpretation.

A lectotype and new combination in Hypocalymma (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae)

RYE, B.L., Nuytsia 20: 323–326 (2010)

Hypocalymma (Endl.) Endl. was first described as a section of Leptospermum J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. and shortly afterwards raised to the generic level (Endlicher 1837, Endlicher 1840). It was based on the two species now known as H. angustifolium (Endl.) Schauer and H. robustum (Endl.) Lindl. In their recent review of the genus, Strid and Keighery (2002) recorded H. angustifolium as the type species, but they did not lectotypify it nor refer to any previous lectotypification. As H. robustum appears to be a better match for the protologue, that species is selected here as the lectotype.