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Displaying records 1–20 of 23 for your search terms: Genus: halimeda
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Halimedaceae Link
Abh.Königl.Akad.Wiss.Berlin 1830:115 (1832)
Halimeda J.V.Lamour.
Nouv.Bull.Sci.Soc.Philom.Paris 3:186 (1812)
Halimeda borneensis W.R.Taylor
Contr.Univ.Michigan Herb. 11:81-83, Figs 1-2 (1975)
Halimeda cuneata K.Hering
Flora 29:214 (1846)
Halimeda cylindracea Decne.
Ann.Sci.Nat., Bot. ser. 2, 18:103 (1842)
Halimeda discoidea Decne.
Ann.Sci.Nat., Bot. ser. 2, 18:102 (1842)
Halimeda distorta (Yamada) Hillis-Col.
J.Phycol. 4:33 (1968)
Halimeda gigas W.R.Taylor
Plants of Bikini and Other Northern Marshall Islands 84, 206, Pl. 44, Fig. 2 (1950)
Halimeda gracilis J.Agardh
Algern.Syst. 82 (1887)
Halimeda heteromorpha N'Yeurt
Eur.J.Phycol. 41:351-354, Figs 14-26, 41-43, 51-54, 63, 64 (2006)
Halimeda incrassata (J.Ellis) J.V.Lamour.
Hist.Polyp.Corall. 307 (1816)
Halimeda lacunalis W.R.Taylor
Plants of Bikini and Other Northern Marshall Islands 91, 208, Pl. 51 (1950)
Halimeda lacunalis forma lata (W.R.Taylor) Hillis-Col.
Publ.Inst.Mar.Sci. 6:349 (1959)
Halimeda macroloba Decne.
Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 2:118-119 (1841)
Halimeda macrophysa Askenasy
Forschungsr.Gazelle, Bot.Alg. 4:14 Pl. 4, Figs 1-4 (1888)
Halimeda micronesica Yamada
Kagaku Nanyõ 4:121, Fig. 15 (1941)
Halimeda minima (W.R.Taylor) Hillis-Col.
J.Phycol. 4:32, Figs 5,6 (1968)
Halimeda opuntia (L.) J.V.Lamour.
Hist.Polyp.Corall. 308 (1816)
Halimeda rectangularis J.Agardh
Acta Univ.Lund. 29:100-101 (1894)
Halimeda simulans M.Howe
Bull.Torrey Bot.Club 34:503-504, Pl. 29 (1907)
Halimeda tuna (J.Ellis & Sol.) J.V.Lamour.
Hist.Polyp.Corall. 309 (1816)

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