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Displaying records 1–18 of 18 for your search terms: Genus: opuntia
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Cactaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 310 (1789)
Opuntia Mill.
Gard.Dict. Edn. 4, 2 (1754)
Opuntia dejecta Salm-Dyck
Hort.Dyck. 361 (1835)
Opuntia elata Salm-Dyck
Hort.Dyck. 361 (1834)
Opuntia elatior Mill.
Gard.Dict. Ed.8, No.4 (1768)
Opuntia engelmannii Engelm.
Boston J.Nat.Hist. 6:207 (1850)
Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.
Gard.Dict. Ed. 8, 2 (1768)
Opuntia leoglossa Font & M.Köhler
Lion's Tongue Phytotaxa 510:282-285, Figs 1-2 (2021)
Opuntia lindheimeri Engelm.
Boston J.Nat.Hist. 6:207 (1850)
Opuntia microdasys (Lehm.) Pfeiff.
Enum.Diagn.Cact. 154 (1837)
Opuntia monacantha Haw.
Barbary Fig Suppl.Pl.Succ. 81 (1819)
Opuntia polyacantha Haw.
Suppl.Pl.Succ. 82 (1819)
Opuntia polyacantha var. hystricina (Engelm. & J.M.Bigelow) B.D.Parfitt
Cact.Succ.J.(Los Angeles) 70(4):188 (1998)
Opuntia puberula Pfeiff.
Enum.Diagn.Cact. 156 (1837)
Opuntia robusta Pfeiff.
Enum.Diagn.Cact. 165 (1837)
Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw.
Common Prickly Pear Syn.Pl.Succ. 191 (1812)
Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw. var. stricta
Syn.Pl.Succ. 191 (1812)
Opuntia tomentosa Salm-Dyck
Observ.Bot.Horto Dyck 3:8 (1822)
Opuntia vulgaris Mill.
Barbary Fig Gard.Dict. Ed.8 (1768)

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