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Displaying records 1–9 of 9 for your search terms: Genus: silene
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Caryophyllaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 299 (1789)
Silene L.
Sp.Pl. 1:416 (1753)
Silene gallica L.
French Catchfly Sp.Pl. 1:417 (1753)
Silene gallica var. angelica Ewart
Silene gallica var. anglica (L.) W.D.J.Koch
Syn.Fl.Germ.Helv. 1:109 (1836)
Silene gallica L. var. gallica
Silene gallica var. quinquevulnera (L.) W.D.J.Koch
Syn.Fl.Germ.Helv. 1:100 (1836)
Silene longicaulis Lag.
Gen.Sp.Pl. 15 (1816)
Silene nocturna L.
Mediterranean Catchfly Sp.Pl. 1:416-417 (1753)
Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke
Bladder Campion Fl.N.Mitt.-Deutschland edn 9, 64 (1869)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.