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Stylosanthes hamata (L.) Taub.
Verano Stylo

Verh.Bot.Vereins Prov.Brandenburg 32:22 (1890)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Alien to Western Australia Alien to Western Australia
Name Status

Erect or decumbent herb or shrub, to 0.7 m high. Fl. yellow, Apr to Dec. Sand, loam & clay soils. Seepage areas, creek banks, pool edges, lawns, disturbed vegetation.

Amanda Spooner, Descriptive Catalogue, 11 June 2005
20 km
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Scientific Description

Prostrate,spreading or scrambling, shrub, spindly shrub (broom-like). Stems terete, not spiny, hairy; pustules or glands absent. Leaves or phylloclades clearly present, compound, alternate, not continuous with stem, 15-35 mm long, glabrous, flat with flat margins; margins entire; tubercles absent, pinnately arranged, terminal leaflet present, stalked; pustules or glands absent. Stipules present and persistent to older leaves, 4-10 mm long, without glands, ribless. Bracteoles present and persistent, 2.5-5 mm long, hairy, not striate. Calyx 4-7.5 mm long, not accrescent, hairy, with simple hairs, ribless; pustules or glands absent. Corolla uniformly coloured, yellow; claws present; standard 4-5 mm long, glabrous, not auriculate, wings 3.5-4.5 mm long, auriculate, keel 3(-4.5) mm long, not beaked, not auriculate, glabrous. Stamens ten. Fruit dehiscent (a pod or follicle), constricted between the seeds, round in cross-section, beaked. Flowers in April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November. Occurs in the Northern and Eremaean Botanical Province, in the Pilbara, Carnarvon, Northern Kimberley, Victoria Bonaparte, Central Kimberley, Ord-Victorian-Plain and Dampierland IBRA regions.

C. Hollister and K.R. Thiele, 17 April 2024


IBRA Regions
Carnarvon, Central Kimberley, Dampierland, Great Sandy Desert, Indian Tropical Islands, Northern Kimberley, Ord Victoria Plain, Pilbara, Victoria Bonaparte.
IBRA Subregions
Cape Range, Chichester, Fitzroy Trough, Hamersley, Keep, Mackay, Mitchell, Pentecost, Pindanland, Purnululu, Roebourne, South Kimberley Interzone.
IMCRA Regions
Local Government Areas (LGAs)
Ashburton, Broome, Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Derby-West Kimberley, East Pilbara, Exmouth, Halls Creek, Karratha, Port Hedland, Wyndham-East Kimberley.