- Reference
- Sketch Veg.Swan R. 52 (1840)
- Conservation Code
- Not threatened
- Naturalised Status
- Native to Western Australia
- Name Status
- Current
Tuberous, perennial, herb, 0.09-0.45 m high, horizontally arranged flowers. Fl. yellow-green, Aug to Oct. White, grey, brown or black sand, granitic loam. Sandy Banksia woodland, mallee woodland on margins of salt lakes.

- IBRA Regions
- Avon Wheatbelt, Esperance Plains, Geraldton Sandplains, Jarrah Forest, Mallee, Swan Coastal Plain.
- IBRA Subregions
- Eastern Mallee, Fitzgerald, Geraldton Hills, Katanning, Lesueur Sandplain, Northern Jarrah Forest, Perth, Recherche, Southern Jarrah Forest, Western Mallee.
- IMCRA Regions
- WA South Coast.
- Local Government Areas (LGAs)
- Albany, Armadale, Belmont, Boyup Brook, Brookton, Broomehill-Tambellup, Busselton, Canning, Capel, Chittering, Cockburn, Collie, Coorow, Cranbrook, Cuballing, Cunderdin, Dandaragan, Dumbleyung, Esperance, Gnowangerup, Gosnells, Harvey, Jerramungup, Kent, Kojonup, Kulin, Kwinana, Lake Grace, Mandurah, Melville, Mundaring, Murray, Narrogin, Northampton, Perth, Pingelly, Plantagenet, Ravensthorpe, Serpentine-Jarrahdale, Swan, Toodyay, Victoria Plains, Wandering, Waroona, West Arthur, York.