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Podalyria sericea (Andrews) R.Br.

W.T.Aiton, Hort.Kew. [W. Aiton] Ed.2,3:7 (1811)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Alien to Western Australia
Name Status

Erect, silvery-grey shrub, 0.5-2.5 m high. Fl. blue-purple-pink-white. Yellow sandy clay, orange-brown sandy clay, red ironstone gravel, laterite, granite, limestone. Hillsides, garden escape on wasteland & road verges.

Amanda Spooner, Descriptive Catalogue, 20 August 2007
1000 km
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Scientific Description

Erect, shrub, spindly shrub (broom-like). Stems terete, not spiny, hairy; pustules or glands absent. Leaves or phylloclades clearly present, simple, alternate, not continuous with stem, 15-30 mm long, 10-20 mm wide, hairy, with simple hairs, flat with flat margins; margins entire; tubercles absent; pustules or glands absent. Stipules present but early deciduous ( only visible on youngest leaves ). Pedicel present, 4-5 mm long, hairy. Bracteoles absent. Calyx 6-7 mm long, not accrescent, hairy, with simple hairs, ribless; pustules or glands absent. Corolla 10-11 mm long, multicoloured, mostly pink, purple or blue, with some pink, purple or blue spots, streaks or blotches; claws absent; standard 10-11 mm long, glabrous, not auriculate, wings 10-11 mm long, not auriculate, keel 6.5-7.5 mm long, not beaked, not auriculate, glabrous. Stamens; anthers 0.4-0.5 mm long; filaments free (or united at the very base), 6-7.5 mm long. Ovary sessile or subsessile, hairy or glandular; style 6-8 mm long, hairy or glandular towards the base, not bearded, terete. Flowers in June, August and October. Occurs in the South-West Botanical Province, in the Jarrah Forest, Warren, Esperance and Swan Coastal Plain IBRA regions.

C. Hollister and K.R. Thiele, 17 April 2024


IBRA Regions
Esperance Plains, Jarrah Forest, Swan Coastal Plain, Warren.
IBRA Subregions
Fitzgerald, Northern Jarrah Forest, Perth, Southern Jarrah Forest, Warren.
Local Government Areas (LGAs)
Albany, Armadale, Augusta Margaret River, Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Busselton, Harvey, Manjimup, Mundaring, Serpentine-Jarrahdale.