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Rhadinothamnus anceps (DC.) Paul G.Wilson

This name is not current. Find out more information on related names.

Nuytsia 12(2):286 (1998)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Native to Western Australia
Name Status
Not Current

Slender shrub, 1-3 m high. Fl. white, Aug to Dec. Black, peaty sand. Along creeks & coastal swamps.

Grazyna Paczkowska, Descriptive Catalogue, 22 August 1996
1000 km
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Scientific Description

Shrub, spines absent; branchlets smooth, without distinct raised glands, winged or strongly angled in cross-section, covered in hairs or scales. Leaves alternate, simple, 25-100 mm long, 10-22 mm wide, flat, the margins flat, smooth, without distinct raised glands, glabrous; stipular excrescences absent. Flowers in axillary, loose clusters (cymes or panicles) or in terminal, loose clusters (cymes or panicles); pedicels 5-12 mm long; calyx present, 1-1.5 mm long, smooth, without distinct raised glands, covered in hairs or scales; corolla white or cream, petals five, 6-8 mm long, imbricate (overlapping), free, lepidote (with scales); stamens twice as many as petals, 3-4 mm long, smooth, glabrous; anthers 0.6-1 mm long, without an appendage. Flowers in August, September, October, November and December. Occurs in the South-West Botanical Province, in the Jarrah Forest, Warren, Esperance and Swan Coastal Plain IBRA region(s).