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Melaleuca atroviridis Craven & Lepschi

Austral.Syst.Bot. 17:259-261 (2004)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Native to Western Australia
Name Status

Shrub, to 6 m high, bark papery, peeling at base, grey, smooth above. Brown sand & loam, red loam & sandy clays, gypsum sand, laterite gravel, granite. Flats, gently undulating hills, lake edges, edge fresh water claypan, sand plains & ridges.

Amanda Spooner, Descriptive Catalogue, 25 August 2003


IBRA Regions
Avon Wheatbelt, Coolgardie, Esperance Plains, Geraldton Sandplains, Jarrah Forest, Mallee, Murchison, Yalgoo.
IBRA Subregions
Eastern Mallee, Geraldton Hills, Katanning, Lesueur Sandplain, Merredin, Recherche, Southern Cross, Southern Jarrah Forest, Tallering, Western Mallee, Western Murchison.
Local Government Areas (LGAs)
Beverley, Brookton, Bruce Rock, Carnamah, Coolgardie, Coorow, Cunderdin, Dalwallinu, Dowerin, Dumbleyung, Dundas, Esperance, Goomalling, Greater Geraldton, Katanning, Kellerberrin, Kent, Kondinin, Koorda, Lake Grace, Merredin, Morawa, Mount Marshall, Mukinbudin, Murchison, Narembeen, Narrogin, Northampton, Nungarin, Perenjori, Pingelly, Quairading, Ravensthorpe, Tammin, Three Springs, Trayning, Westonia, Wickepin, Wongan-Ballidu, Woodanilling, Wyalkatchem, Yalgoo, Yilgarn.