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Heterosiphonia crassipes (Harv.) Falkenb.

Rhodomelac.Golfes Neapel 26:655 (1901)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Native to Western Australia
Name Status

Scientific Description

Habit and structure. Thallus erect, to 9 cm tall, deep red to muddy brown, occasionally with a short stipe, generally consisting of a cluster of several percurrent axes, each plumose and 8–15 mm wide. Pseudolaterals of two forms, initially of slender cells 20–35 µm diam., pseudodichotomously divided every 2 or 3 cells; outer cells 15–20 µm diam. [L:B c. 2]. Some branches becoming coarse and broad, tapering abruptly to a spinous tip; distal 5–7 cells monosiphonous; proximal cells becoming polysiphonous, with 4–6 pericentral cells. Older axes with 6 or 7 pericentral cells.

Reproduction. Reproductive structures not seen.

Distribution. Known from the Indian Ocean and several localities in eastern Australia, including Coffs Harbour (New South Wales) and Lord Howe Island.

Habitat. Epilithic in the intertidal and shallow subtidal.

[After J.M. Huisman in Algae of Australia: Marine Benthic Algae of North-western Australia, 2. Red Algae: 434–435 (2018)]

John Huisman & Olga Nazarova, 3 August 2021


IBRA Regions
Carnarvon, Dampierland, Esperance Plains, Pilbara, Swan Coastal Plain.
IBRA Subregions
Cape Range, Perth, Pindanland, Recherche, Roebourne.
IMCRA Regions
Canning, Central West Coast, Kimberley, Leeuwin-Naturaliste, Pilbara (nearshore), Pilbara (offshore), Zuytdorp.
Local Government Areas (LGAs)
Ashburton, Broome, Cockburn, Dandaragan, Derby-West Kimberley, Esperance, Karratha, Port Hedland, Rockingham, Shark Bay, Wyndham-East Kimberley.