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Bachelotia antillarum (Grunow) Gerloff

Nova Hedwigia 1:38 (1959)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Native to Western Australia
Name Status

Scientific Description

Habit and structure. Thallus forming tufts on intertidal rock, with prostrate and erect axes, 3–5 mm tall. Prostrate axes 20–35 µm diam. [cells L:B 2–4]. Erect axes arising medially from cells of prostrate axes, simple, 20–25 µm diam. [cells L:B 1.5–3 (shortest after division)]. Cells with plastids arranged in a stellate pattern around a central pyrenoid. Reproductive structures not observed.

Distribution. Widespread in most seas.

Habitat. Generally epilithic in the intertidal.

[After Huisman, Algae of Australia: Mar. Benthic Algae of North-western Australia, 1. Green and Brown Algae 184 (2015)]

John Huisman and Cheryl Parker, 3 August 2021


IMCRA Regions
Local Government Areas (LGAs)