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Olearia muricata (Steetz) Benth.
Rough-leaved Daisy Bush

Fl.Austral. 3:484-485 (1867)
Conservation Code
Not threatened
Naturalised Status
Native to Western Australia
Name Status

Erect shrub, 0.2-1 m high. Fl. blue-purple-pink/white & yellow, Jan to Jul or Sep or Nov to Dec. White or yellow sand, sandy soils over laterite or granite, rocky loam. Sandplains, coastal slopes, granite outcrops, near creeks & rivers.

Amanda Spooner, Descriptive Catalogue, 20 May 1997
1000 km
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


IBRA Regions
Avon Wheatbelt, Coolgardie, Esperance Plains, Geraldton Sandplains, Jarrah Forest, Mallee, Warren.
IBRA Subregions
Eastern Mallee, Fitzgerald, Katanning, Lesueur Sandplain, Merredin, Northern Jarrah Forest, Recherche, Southern Cross, Southern Jarrah Forest, Warren, Western Mallee.
IMCRA Regions
WA South Coast.
Local Government Areas (LGAs)
Albany, Beverley, Chittering, Coolgardie, Coorow, Cranbrook, Cuballing, Cunderdin, Dowerin, Dundas, Esperance, Gnowangerup, Greater Geraldton, Jerramungup, Kent, Kojonup, Kondinin, Lake Grace, Nannup, Northam, Plantagenet, Quairading, Ravensthorpe, Tammin, Wongan-Ballidu, Yilgarn.