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Displaying records 81–92 of 92 for your search terms: Genus: fimbristylis
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Cyperaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 26 (1789)
Fimbristylis Vahl
Enum.Pl. 2:285 (1805)
Fimbristylis sp. L Kimberley Flora (K.F. Kenneally 11167)
Fimbristylis sp. Shay Gap (K.R. Newbey 10293)
Fimbristylis sphaerocephala Benth.
Fl.Austral. 7:306 (1878)
Fimbristylis squarrulosa F.Muell.
Fragm. 1:216 (1859)
Fimbristylis stellata S.T.Blake
Proc.Roy.Soc.Queensland 58:46 (1947)
Fimbristylis subaristata Benth.
Fl.Austral. 7:314 (1878)
Fimbristylis tetragona R.Br.
Prodr. 226 (1810)
Fimbristylis trachycarya F.Muell.
Fragm. 1:199 (1859)
Fimbristylis trigastrocarya F.Muell.
Fragm. 1:194 (1859)
Fimbristylis tristachya R.Br.
Prodr. 226-227 (1810)
Fimbristylis velata R.Br.
Prodr. 227 (1810)
Fimbristylis xyridis R.Br.
Prodr. 226 (1810)

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A taxon name that is no longer current will retain its ‘Threatened’, ‘Extinct’, or ‘Extinct in the Wild’ status until a new name has been published in a Biodiversity Conservation Order.