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Glischrocaryon Endl.

Stirp.Herb.Huegel. p209 (1838)
Name Status

Scientific Description

Common name. Golden pennants. Family Haloragaceae.

Habit and leaf form. Erect herbs; often deciduous. Perennial. Stem growth not conspicuously sympodial (monopodial). Mesophytic. Leaves alternate; spiral; sessile; non-sheathing; simple; epulvinate. Leaf blades entire; ovate, or obovate, or linear; one-veined, or pinnately veined. Leaves without stipules. Stem anatomy. Secondary thickening absent, or developing from a conventional cambial ring.

Reproductive type, pollination. Fertile flowers hermaphrodite. Unisexual flowers absent. Plants hermaphrodite. Anemophilous.

Inflorescence and flower features. Flowers solitary, or aggregated in ‘inflorescences’; in cymes. The terminal inflorescence unit cymose. Inflorescences terminal; terminal cymes of compound dichasia; pseudanthial, or not pseudanthial. Flowers pedicellate (pedicels filamentous); bracteate; bracteolate; minute to small; regular; (2–)4 merous; cyclic; tetracyclic, or pentacyclic. Free hypanthium absent. Perianth with distinct calyx and corolla; 4, or 8; 2 -whorled; isomerous; free. Calyx present; 2, or 4; 1 -whorled; polysepalous; valvate; exceeded by the corolla; regular; persistent. Sepals triangular (deltoid). Corolla present; 2, or 4; 1 -whorled; polypetalous; regular; cream, or yellow. Petals hooded, or not hooded; navicular, or not navicular. Androecial members definite in number. Androecium 4, or 8. Androecial members free of the perianth; all equal; free of one another; 1 -whorled, or 2 -whorled. Androecium exclusively of fertile stamens. Stamens 4, or 8; all more or less similar in shape; isomerous with the perianth, or diplostemonous; alternisepalous and oppositisepalous; filantherous (with rather large anthers). Anthers basifixed; non-versatile; dehiscing via longitudinal slits; latrorse; four locular; tetrasporangiate; appendaged, or unappendaged; usually apiculate. Gynoecium (2–)3–4 carpelled. The pistil 1 celled. Gynoecium syncarpous; synovarious; inferior. Ovary unilocular; pseudo- 1 locular. Epigynous disk absent. Gynoecium stylate. Styles 2, or 4; free; apical. Stigmas capitate. Ovules in the single cavity 4; pendulous; anatropous.

Fruit and seed features. Fruit non-fleshy; indehiscent; a nut; 1 locular; 1 seeded. Seeds more or less copiously endospermic. Endosperm oily. Cotyledons 2. Embryo straight.

Special features. Inflorescence determinate.

Etymology. From the Greek for "gluey" and "nut".

H.R. Coleman and Leslie Watson, 8 September 2016

Taxonomic Literature

  • Wheeler, Judy; Marchant, Neville; Lewington, Margaret; Graham, Lorraine 2002. Flora of the south west, Bunbury, Augusta, Denmark. Volume 2, dicotyledons. Australian Biological Resources Study.. Canberra..
  • Australia. Bureau of Flora and Fauna 1990. Flora of Australia. Volume 18, Podostemaceae to Combretaceae. Australian Govt. Pub. Service.. Canberra..
  • Marchant, N. G.; Wheeler, J. R.; Rye, B. L.; Bennett, E. M.; Lander, N. S.; Macfarlane, T. D.; Western Australian Herbarium 1987. Flora of the Perth region. Part one. Western Australian Herbarium.. [Perth]..
  • Blackall, William E.; Grieve, Brian J. 1980. How to know Western Australian wildflowers : a key to the flora of the extratropical regions of Western Australia. Part IIIA. University of W.A. Press.. [Perth]..
  • Orchard, A. E. 1975. Taxonomic revisions in the family Haloragaceae. 1, the genera Haloragis, Haloragodendron, Glischrocaryon, Meziella and Gonocarpus. Auckland Institute & Museum.. Auckland, N.Z..