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Displaying records 1–12 of 12 for your search terms: Genus: geastrum
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Geastraceae Corda
Anleit.Stud.Mykol. 104 (1842)
Geastrum Pers.
Neues Mag.Bot. 1:85 (1794)
Geastrum ambiguum Mont.
Ann.Sci.Nat., Bot. ser. 2, 8:362-363 (1837)
Geastrum australe Berk.
Bot.Antarct.Voy.III.(Fl.Tasman.) 2:265 (1859)
Geastrum austrominimum J.C.Zamora
Persoonia 34:149, Figs 6, 11a (2015)
Geastrum campestre Morgan
Amer.Naturalist 21(2):1027-1028, Fig. 1 (1887)
Geastrum coronatum Pers.
Syn.Meth.Fung. 1:132 (1801)
Geastrum drummondii Berk.
London J.Bot. 4:63-64, Tab. I, Fig. 4 (1845)
Geastrum elliptice G.Cunn.
Proc.Linn.Soc.New South Wales 51:77 (1926)
Geastrum fornicatum (Huds.) Hook.
Fl.Londin. (Curtis) edn. 2, 4(2):575 (1821)
Geastrum javanicum Lév.
Ann.Sci.Nat., Bot. ser. 3, 5:161-162 (1846)
Geastrum limbatum Fr.
Syst.Mycol. 3:15-16 (1829)
Geastrum triplex Jungh.
Tijdschr.Natuurl.Gesch.Physiol. 7: 287 (1840)

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