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Displaying records 1–20 of 40 for your search terms: Reference: nuytsia 14 2002
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Asparagaceae Juss.
Gen.Pl. [Jussieu] 40 (1789)
Laxmannia R.Br.
Prodr.Fl.Nov.Holland. 285 (1810)
Laxmannia grandiflora subsp. brendae Keighery
Nuytsia 14:376-377 (2002)
Laxmannia morrisii Keighery
Nuytsia 14:378-379, Fig. 2 (2002)
Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Prir.Rostlin 254 (1820)
Cratystylis S.Moore
J.Bot. 43:138 (1905)
Cratystylis centralis Albr. & Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 14:447-449, Figs 1a-c (2002)
Myriocephalus Benth.
Enum.Pl. p61 (1837)
Myriocephalus biflorus Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 14:439 (2002)
Myriocephalus oldfieldii (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 14:440 (2002)
Myriocephalus scalpellus Paul G.Wilson
Nuytsia 14:442-443 (2002)
Brassicaceae Burnett
Outlines Bot.(Burnett) 854 (1835)
Stenopetalum DC.
Syst.Nat. 513 (1821)
Stenopetalum salicola Keighery
Nuytsia 14:399,Fig.2B (2002)
Stenopetalum saxatile Keighery
Nuytsia 14:402-403,Figs 3D,E (2002)
Celastraceae R.Br.
Voy.Terra Austral. 2:554 (1814)
Psammomoya Diels & Loes.
Bot.Jahrb.Syst. 35:339 (1904)
Psammomoya grandiflora Keighery
Nuytsia 14:390-392,Fig.3C-E (2002)
Psammomoya implexa Keighery
Nuytsia 14:388,Fig.1D-F (2002)
Cleomaceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Prir.Rostlin 2:253 (1825)
Cleome L.
Sp.Pl. 2:671 (1753)
Cleome uncifera subsp. microphylla Keighery
Nuytsia 14:381-384, Fig. 1 (2002)
Dilleniaceae Salisb.
Parad.Lond. pt.73 (1807)
Hibbertia Andrews
Bot.Repos. 2:472, Tab.126 (1800)
Hibbertia glabrisepala J.R.Wheeler
Nuytsia 14:412-415,Fig.1 (2002)
Hibbertia glomerata subsp. darlingensis J.R.Wheeler
Nuytsia 14:431-433,Figs 1E-G (2002)
Hibbertia glomerata subsp. ginginensis J.R.Wheeler
Nuytsia 14:433-434,Figs1H-I (2002)
Hibbertia glomerata subsp. wandoo J.R.Wheeler
Nuytsia 14:434-435 (2002)
Hibbertia glomerosa var. bistrata J.R.Wheeler
Nuytsia 14:416, Fig. 3A-C (2002)
Hibbertia notibractea J.R.Wheeler
Nuytsia 14(3):420-423, Fig. 1 (2002)
Hibbertia trichocalyx J.R.Wheeler
Nuytsia 14:423-425,Fig.3 (2002)
Elatinaceae Dumort.
Anal.Fam.Pl. p44, 49 (1829)
Elatine L.
Sp.Pl. 2:367 (1753)
Elatine macrocalyx Albr.
Nuytsia 14:320-324 (2002)
Lentibulariaceae Rich.
Fl.Paris 1:26 (1808)
Utricularia L.
Sp.Pl. 2:18 (1753)
Utricularia petertaylorii Lowrie
Nuytsia 14:406-409, Fig. 14 (2002)

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