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The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium


Volumes 1–14 are available for download via the Biodiversity Heritage Library’s (BHL) page for Nuytsia.

Displaying records 1–11 of 11

Calothamnus superbus T.J. Hawkeswood & F.H. Mollemans (Leptospermoideae : Myrtaceae), a new species from south-west Western Australia

HAWKESWOOD, T.J. AND MOLLEMANS, F.H., Nuytsia 8 (3): 311–318 (1992)

A new 5-merous species of Calothamnus, C. superbus Hawkeswood & Mollemans, is described from sandplains in the Pigeon Rocks area, south-west Western Australia. Its affinities with the closely related species, C. aridus T.J. Hawkeswood, are outlined, and ecological data provided. The plant is not represented in any National Parks or Nature Reserves but its survival is probably ensured due to its isolated location.

A new species of Guichenotia (Sterculiaceae) from south western Australia

KEIGHERY, G.J., Nuytsia 8 (3): 319–321 (1992)

A new species of Guichenotia is described: G. alba Keighery confined to heathland between Cataby and Three Springs north of Perth. A key to all species is included.

Four new Drosera taxa from south western Australia

LOWRIE, A. AND MARCHANT, N.G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 323–332 (1992)

Three new species and one new subspecies of Drosera (Droseraceae) are described, D. browniana and D. stolonifera subsp. monticola (both tuberous Drosera) and D. grievei and D. sargentii (both pygmy Drosera), all endemic to south western Australia. The distinguishing characters of each are presented as well as their relationships and an indication of habitat preferences and conservation status.

New names and combinations for some Melaleuca (Myrtaceae) species and subspecies from the south-west of Western Australia considered rare or threatened

QUINN, F.C., COWLEY, K.J., BARLOW, B.A. AND THIELE, K.R., Nuytsia 8 (3): 333–350 (1992)

The paper describes or makes new combinations for several species and subspecies of Melaleuca considered to be rare or threatened. Six species and two subspecies, Melaleuca araucarioides, M. fissurata, M. ordinifolia, M. pomphostoma, M. ringens, M. sculponeata, M. viminea subsp. appressa and M. huegelii subsp. pristicensis are described as new. M. tenella Bentham is reduced to a subspecies of M. incana R. Br. and M. densa var. pritzelii Domin is raised to specific rank.

Three new species of Euphorbia L. subgenus Chamaesyce Rafinesque (Euphorbiaceae) from central and northern Australia

THOMSON, B.G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 351–360 (1992)

Euphorbia centralis from central Australia, E. maconochieana from the Victoria River and E. kimberleyensis from the northern Kimberley region are described, illustrated and their affinities with related species discussed. E. vaccaria Baillon is lectotypified.

The Lawrencella complex (Asteraceae : Gnaphalieae : Angianthinae) of Australia

WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 361–377 (1992)

The Lawrencella complex includes the monotypic genera Bellida and Schoenia, several species included by Bentham in Helichrysum sect. Lawrencella, and one species previously placed in both Helichrysum and Podolepis. It is considered to be a natural group clearly distinct from other members of the Angianthinae. Three genera are here recognised: Bellida, Lawrencella, and Schoenia. One subspecies is described as new; four new species combinations are made.

The classification of Australian species currently included in Helipterum and related genera (Asteraceae : Gnaphalieae) : Part 1

WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 379–438 (1992)

The name Helipterum DC. is recognised as being illegitimate and not applicable to Australian taxa. The Australian species currently included in that genus and in the related genera Cephalipterum, Gilberta, Triptilodiscus and Pterochaeta are reclassified. One genus, Haptotrichion, is described as new. Under Rhodanthe 11 sections are recognised of which 1 is new and 10 are new combinations. Eight new species of Rhodanthe and one new species of Haptotrichion are described, these are R. ascendens, R. collina, R. cremea, R. gossypina, R. nullarborensis, R. psammophila, R. rufescens, R. sphaerocephala and H. colwillii. A number of new species combinations are made. Descriptions are given for each of the recognised genera and sections.

The classification of Australian species currently included in Helipterum and related genera (Asteraceae : Gnaphalieae) : Part 2 Leucochrysum

WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 439–446 (1992)

A new endemic Australian genus, Leucochrysum (DC.) Paul G. Wilson, is described to accommodate Helipterum stipitatum, H. fitzgibbonii, and most of the taxa previously referred to the H. albicans group. New combinations are effected to accommodate the five species and five infraspecific taxa.

The classification of some Australian species currently included in Helipterum and Helichrysum (Asteraceae : Gnaphalieae) : Part 3 Anemocarpa and Argentipallium, two new genera from Australia

WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 447–460 (1992)

Two new genera Anemocarpa and Argentipallium are described in the Gnaphalieae: Angianthinae. The first genus is based on a new species Anemocarpa calcicola from Western Australia and includes two other species: A. podolepidium [Helichrysum podolepidium F. Muell.], and A. saxatilis [Helipterum saxatile Paul G. Wilson]; it is apparently most closely related to the genera Leucochrysum (DC.) Paul G. Wilson and Chrysocephalum Walp. The second genus is based on Argentipallium obtusifolium (Sonder) Paul G. Wilson [Helichrysum obtusifolium Sonder] and includes five other species: A. blandowskianum [Helichrysum blandowskianum Sonder], A. dealbatum [Helichrysum dealbatum Labill.], A. niveum [Helipterum niveum Steetz], A. spiceri [Helichrysum spiceri F. Muell.], and A. tephrodes [Ozothamnus tephrodes Turcz.]; it is evidently most closely related to Ozothamnus R.Br.

The classification of the genus Waitzia Wendl. (Asteraceae : Gnaphalieae)

WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 461–477 (1992)

The circumscription of Waitzia is discussed and a narrow generic concept proposed. Five species and two infraspecific taxa are recognised. A key is provided and full synonymy given. One new species combination, W. nitida, is made; two new varieties are described. Waitzia citrina, W. conica and W. paniculata are excluded from the genus.

A new species of Acomis from the Northern Territory and a new combination in the genus Thiseltonia (Asteraceae : Gnaphalieae)

WILSON, PAUL G., Nuytsia 8 (3): 479–483 (1992)

The recognition of the genera Rutidosis, Acomis, and Thiseltonia is discussed. A new species, Acomis kakadu, is described from Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, and a new combination, Thiseltonia gracillima, is made for the plant previously known as T. dyeri.